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Comeco NV

Addresse John Lijsenstraat, 55
2321 Hoogstraten
Tél. 033157752
Fax +32 (0)3 3158934
E-mail info@comeco.be
Numéro(s) d’agrément 171 171/1 KF171


  • Abattoir
  • Atelier de découpe


  • export viande porcine

Forme de commercialisation

  • Surgelé
  • Carcasses
  • Abats
  • Viande emballée sous vide
  • Découpes

Types de produits

  • Viande porcine

Cahiers des charges

Febev Plus Varken

Details de société

Year constructed
1971 : year constructed cuttingplant and slaughterhouse
1984 : general extension
2007 : expansion 1 pig stables
2008 : building new carcass refrigerators
2011 : building new slaughterline
2015 : expansion 2 pig stables

Total land Area
30850 m²
Total built-in area
9298 m²
Types of products manufactured
Pork carcasses, cutted meat and edible offals. No ready to at products
List of countries that have approved the establishment to export
Australia, Cuba, Japan, Malaysia, Douane Unie (Russian federation-Belorussia-Kazachstan, South-Africa, South-Korea, Vietnam

Description of the area where the establishment is located
Comeco nv is located in a small industrial area.
Staff information (number of employees, qualifications, etc.)
-Total 75 persons intern and 4 extern teams.This makes togheter 150 employees.
-Total number of veterinarians : 24 (they work alternately).
- Total number of quality team : 5 fulltime persons; 1 fulltime quality manager with qualification Industrial biochemical engineer.

Number of shifts
Slaughterline : 1 - Cuttingplant : 2 (1 day shift and 1 night shift)
Slaughter capacity (tones) per shift
+/-500 tons/day - 580 carcasses/hour
Number of working days per week
Total annual slaughter capacity (tons)
123000 tons/year
Boning/cutting production capacity (tons)
Cutting: 220 carcasses/hour of 140 tons/day - Deboning and packing: 100 tons/day shift and 40 tons/night shift
Edible offal handling capacity (tons)
- red organs : 20 tons/day
- heads and front feet : 40 tons/day

Refrigerators (capacity, number, type)
- 1 shock refrigerator
- 4 refrigerators for carcasses for expedition (4700 carcasses in total)
- 2 refrigerators vor carcasses for cutting (1250 carcasses in total)

- 3refrigerators of 160 tons/day

- 1shock refrigerator
- 1 refrigerator for red organs of 20 ton/day
- 1 refrigerator for heads and front feet of 40 tons/day

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